Life is tough. We all have our “thing” that one or even a few hang-ups or limiting beliefs that eat away at us and whisper to us with soul-crushing negative self-talk.
You are not good enough; how can you do that? You’re an idiot, don’t eat that you’re fat already. Or I’m a bad mum; I’m not home for bedtime. I don’t spend time with my kids. I don’t feed them organic food. The list is endless and as individual, as we are.
Add these to all the other thousands of decisions we make daily and then add parenting to the mix, you know that job where you keep other human beings alive! Is it any wonder that mummy guilt is a sweeping epidemic for parents today. It likes to remind you on a pretty regular basis how you’re failing your kids.
Whether you are a working parent or one that stays at home, you’ll have had the guilts at some point and have heard the saying “work-life balance” well, it doesn’t exist. It’s a myth. And I’m calling bullshit on it all. It implies that someone out there has it all together, and if you’re not achieving it, then that’s another big fat failure for you. It only serves to hit your confidence and have you pushing a big fat self destruct button regularly.
Parenting is tough. No question. But you are doing the best you can—your not always going to be the parent you want to be. Shit is going to happen. Digging yourself out all the time is not going to help you do it better the next time!
We are there for others time and time again but don’t even show up for ourselves.
You’ll be a better parent tomorrow than you were today and a thousand times better in five years. It serves no one to criticise yourself in the way mummy guilt has you do.
It’s possible to have a job and be a great mum. To be a good wife or partner and regularly see your friends. Don’t get sucked into the hype or pressure around other peoples opinions and perceptions.
At the end of the day, carrot sticks are still carrot sticks, organic or not.