January. The most depressing month of the year. Just ask all those with January birthdays. Friends are always doing Dry Jan or intense detoxes and have spent all their money on unnecessary Secret Santa gifts. (sorry, kids)

The weather is usually pants, and people are less inclined to help celebrate one more trip around the sun or anything else.
But this year, the January Blues feel much more depressing. The cost of living and fuel crisis, war and more ill health.
Burnout just cranked up a notch as we attempt to claw our way back up and running after the post-Christmas slump.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone.
There is, however, a light at the end of this tunnel.
In the face of everything, here are five top tips for coping with the 2023 January blues.
Here Comes the Sun
Throw open your windows and grab extra jumpers; stay warm. None of us has the heating on anyway. Open your blinds and curtains and get outside as often as possible during daylight hours.
Bring the outdoors in.
Research boffins from Bristol University and University College London discovered a friendly bacteria in plant soil (Mycobacterium Vaccae) that triggers serotonin. So, not only do plants look nice, but they can also help alleviate symptoms of depression.
Focus on the present
Calm the “go, go, go” of life, and be mindful by journaling, doodling, and meditating. These activities can help you focus, reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, and improve sleep.
Not my favourite tip, but that’s me. But with shorter days and most working from home in a hybrid way, some of us may need to move around more than usual. Otherwise, you can find yourself lethargic, contributing to a low mood. Exercise will help to release endorphins and contributes towards better mood and well-being.
Stop Worrying
We often think that worrying helps us arrive at a helpful solution. And this is why we may become preoccupied with our worries, focusing on worst-case scenarios and trying to solve them mentally. But worrying can dampen our moods.