February: Your Garden

Over the coming year I hope to encourage as many people as I can to get those digits turning green. Getting children involved in gardening is an excellent way of teaching them Biology and Ecology. Which, although I am sure is taught in school – is not quite the same as doing it for real in their own garden with Mum & Dad.

Children can have so much fun in the fresh air, diving into soil getting their clothes and fingernails dirty. But when you give them a seed to plant – the magic really starts to happen. Learning to care and nurture seeds which shoot then flower, creates an extremely proud moment when they say “look what I grew”.


In todays increasingly ‘cyber’ world, most children just want to be in a room plugged into some device and if it is an electronic game, possibly screaming into a mic, “quick, flank them and attack”. I have witnessed this first hand with my own son when he believes he is a commando and that Mums dinner can wait – because he needs to save the world!

Alas, gardening is at the moment lost to him. He is at an age where he feels wellies and a trowel are for old people. Which as we know is simply not true.

My nephew on the other hand loves to visit and makes a beeline straight for the garden when he does, excavating my neatly raked gravel with his feet. My sister apologises but secretly I really don’t mind because he is outside and playing in the garden, feeding the fish, looking at plants and flowers – learning. Now for me that is cool.

So if you are looking out of your window and thinking roll on Summer because it’s too cold to go out there. With respect, that is a nonsense. My advice? Grab the kids, a wooly hat plus a pair of gloves – along with some equal measures of enthusiasm – and get gardening!

Shrubs, Roses, etc need your help right now because the month of February is generally when some plants need a bit of love. In gardening circles it is known as the pruning and prepping month. Pruning can worry some people – but really it’s easy – so beneficial to the plant and rewarding to the gardener. Here are some pointers;

– Cut back your Shrubs to six inches or so and prune Rose tips back in order to promote a lovely full flowering plant come the Summer.

– For Mulching, Timber treatment and general garden tidying a good thing to do is ensure you remove any spent plant leaf litter. These are all things that you and the children can do together by the way.

It is important to remember not to disturb any natural log piles or compost heaps at this time of year, as they may harbour wildlife which is hibernating. In this way, if you’re lucky enough in early Summer you may see some creatures living in your garden, which is their little sanctuary and safe haven.

In my opinion I have the best job in the world. I make a living by helping people realise the potential of their outside space; be it a bit of fencing, decking or simply just cutting the grass – I really do love it.

Each month I am going to try and impart some of my knowledge on what to do and when to do it – for all those interested, who may need some help or advice.

In the meantime, Happy Gardening!


daveDave, from Garden Design Services has been madly keen on gardening for as long as he can remember. He decided to start a business in landscaping at the request of friends and family who quite simply said “I was mad not too” “The garden is a most valuable space, and I feel it is quite important to have a space that you can thoroughly relax in and enjoy”. If you need help in enjoying your garden then give Dave a call on 01322 559 660 or 07780 461 148


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