Christchurch Toddler Group

Christchurch Toddler Group is located in the quaint church hall of Christ Church. Easy access for prams and on the 89 bus route!

Christ Church Toddler Group’s a friendly stay & play session where you can get to know other parents and carers over a cup of tea or coffee. There’re plenty of fun activities for your toddler to enjoy:

  • play: a great variety of toys, including a kitchen, soft- play steps & slide
  • art: a chance to get creative with craft or colouring
  • snacks: toddlers can sit down for some fresh fruit & snacks
  • songs join us dancing around a parachute and singing nursery rhymes!

Time: 10.00 am – 11.30 am on Wednesdays, term time only (starts the second week of term)

Venue: Church Hall, next to Christ Church on Shooters Hill, SE18 (89 bus route, next to the Christ Church Primary School / opposite the Red Lion Pub)

Cost: £1 for first child, 50p per additional child


There’s also a Toddler Service at 9.10 am (before the stay & play) where you and your toddler can enjoy Bible stories and hymns, followed by a cup of tea and biscuit.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Christ Church Toddler Group xx

Please note that children must be supervised at all times by a parent/carer

Details are subject to change so please make sure you check with the company before using their services. Thanks!


  1. thackers_78 says

    This now runs 1-3 pm 🙂

  2. Hi
    Does anyone know if this toddler group is still meeting? The contact details above are the previous organiser, who was unsure when this group was restarting, any information would be great! Thanks

    • GreenwichMum says

      Hi @Pickle1976 a couple of our members went along to today’s group. So it is still running. I have spoken to the previous organiser who confirms that for the time being the contact details above should remain the same. This is such a lovely little group. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun. Ask for Debbie on arrival.

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