
A series of articles featuring people, places and/or organisations around the borough.

Go on, what is yours worth? We’ve made valuing your home easy!

Having been in the business for nearing 18 years (our coming of age!), one thing remains true - everyone loves to know what his or her home is worth. After all, as the saying goes - an English man or woman’s' home, is their castle. Now, here at … [Read more...]

Top 5 Last Minute Healthy Christmas Gift Ideas

Good news: it’s Christmas on Sunday! Bad news: if you’ve got any pressies left to get you’ve got a matter of days left to sort them, less if you factor in the pesky postal strike! And while health and fitness might not be top of the agenda right … [Read more...]

Meltdown Moments: 5 Top Tips for Managing Tantrums

Although we love our little ones to bits, we can’t pretend they’re angels all of the time. Here are some creative strategies for managing tantrums when they (inevitably) happen. Reading time: 3 minutes. Anticipate and plan Does your child get … [Read more...]

The trials and tribulations of having young children in London

From navigating through crowds with a heavy buggy to dashing across boroughs for a nursery pick-up. No-one said having children in London would be easy. The commutes, long working hours and quick pace of life can be exhausting at the best of times, … [Read more...]

Easy Finance

We all know that when finance is freely available the housing market booms and when it is taken away, it suffers badly (i.e. The credit Crunch in 2008)! The mortgage arm of the business is presently experiencing record volumes of business, mainly due … [Read more...]

Comedy to help with Post-Natal Depression? You’re having a laugh!

Some of the things no-one told me about Motherhood, that I wish they had: It can be so lonely ...yes the baby’s there, and yes they’re cute..but they can’t really keep up a decent debate on who’s going to die a bloody death next on Game of Thrones… … [Read more...]

25 adventures to end the Summer!

Apart from the odd day here and there, the weather hasn’t let us down so far for this six-week holiday which is perfect if you're looking for adventures to end the summer and keep your children entertained. Usually, though, being a British Summer the … [Read more...]

Why reading is so important in early childhood

What do children get out of reading? I’d argue that children get the same things out of books that adults do. Ask a grownup booklover what they like about them and they’ll tell you it’s the adventure, the escape from the mundane, and the chance to … [Read more...]

Four of the best Pick Your Own Farms local to Greenwich

With Wimbledon not far off, I woke this morning with a full-on craving for lush sticky strawberries and cream. Not the little ones that you can just pop on a cupcake, but the ones that are super large and take about three mouthfuls to eat. It got me … [Read more...]

What is the best bedtime for your child?

Babies bedtime, now that is a tough question. I'll always remember when another mum at nursery first asked me when our girls go to bed; after answering 7 pm; she looked horrified. “Why what’s wrong with 7 pm is it too late?" "No, no," she said, … [Read more...]

It’s official, the pregnancy waddle does exist!

The Pregnancy Waddle - as much as we hate to admit it - we all did it, and now scientists have finally confirmed its existence. When I was expecting the twins I moved like an aircraft carrier never mind a waddle. According to a team from Japan, a … [Read more...]

FREE nursery places with More2childcare

More2childcare is a new community Ofsted registered nursery in East Greenwich is offering a limited number of FREE places to local families with 3 and 4 year olds. It’s unusual for privately owned nurseries to offer completely free places, but that’s … [Read more...]

Introducing OneLane…

Giving up your days running kids around from activity to activity is a regular thing for most parents, almost like a rite of passage. Whether it's after school during the week or over the weekend, it's not unusual to see mums and dads like you and me, … [Read more...]

How to choose the perfect nursery

Choosing the right nursery for your child is essential to his or her early years development. To help you do that, we've compiled the following tips. It's not an exhaustive list, if you have any to add please do so in the comments … [Read more...]

Dealing with separation anxiety: How to keep the nursery drop-off tear-free

The beginning of the year sees lots of children starting nursery for the first time. Although this first day marks an exciting milestone, it can sometimes be a challenging step – even more for parents than children! It’s completely normal to feel … [Read more...]

The grand opening of Under1Roof!

We launched this exciting venture on Saturday 27th February after nearly 6 years and 3 buildings of planning! Our ethos for the centre is a creative community hub for kids aged 0-11 and their parents. A real one stop shop from catching a children's … [Read more...]

Returning to work after maternity: Making it easy

It’s often hard enough to return to work after a one-week holiday, but returning to work after months off while you were looking after your beautiful new born baby? Yep, that’s difficult. So, will it be hard? Yes. Will it take some getting used to? … [Read more...]

Introducing Three Generations of Women, by James Haddrell

As one of this country’s leading supporters of young and emerging theatre companies, at Greenwich Theatre we are always involved with a whole host of shows at various stages of development, but there is nothing more satisfying than that moment when all … [Read more...]

Adoption and fostering by Ann Flowerdew

Where do I start with my story of adoption? Well, it started nearly seven years ago, after I was made redundant for the third time. We applied to the Royal Borough of Greenwich to become Foster Carers. The assessment took ten months of intensive … [Read more...]

Do your children manage screen-time responsibly?

Young people these days are increasingly tech savvy but how responsible is their screen-time use? Recently featured on BBC London News, pupils from the Greenwich Steiner School shared their thoughts about the potential pitfalls of spending too much … [Read more...]