National Adoption Week

Adoption Week, GreenwichmumsAdoption Week – We all love our families; whether it’s the ones we’re born into or the friends we make for ourselves.

But it’s easy to forget that there are others who aren’t as fortunate as us. This important week reminds us there are kids out there waiting to be taken in by someone who will make them part of their own family unit.

Have you thought about adopting? You need to be over 21, patient, and dedicated to offering someone lifelong love and support. It’s a huge responsibility, but one that comes with great rewards.

As part of National Adoption Week (3 to 9 November 2014), the Royal Borough of Greenwich will be holding two events in conjunction with the South London Adoption Consortium at Lambeth Town Hall on 6th November from 2:30pm – 7:00pm

Boys – We Love Them discussion
The first event will be a discussion, entitled ‘Boys – We Love Them’. This will focus on boys, sibling groups and older children and particularly children of black and minority ethnic heritage within the care system.
This session will run from 2.30pm to 4pm, where you will be able to hear from adopters and community leaders about the urgent need to recruit more adopters from black and minority ethnic communities in order to provide homes for these children.

Adoption information event
The second session will be a joint adoption information event, aimed at providing people who are interested in adoption with detailed information about the adoption process. Each agency will be available to answer your questions about adoption and there will be a group of approved adopters who will be able to share their experiences with you. This event will run from 4.30pm to 7pm

To attend either event, you will need to register at

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