
Under1Roof in Woolwich is a kid’s urban oasis housing a studio theatre, sensory room, soft play, messy play art studio, play cafe, children’s hair salon, music room, sports studios, parents’ coworking/networking, retail units, and nursery.

We can travel to soft play areas, leisure centres and classes. We know there are great activities and services all over London.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to put it all together in one big children’s urban oasis?

Show your MumsCard to save 10% on Softplay!




Under1Roof is a completely unique centre for families and children based in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Not only can you book classes, sessions, therapies, private parties and holiday activities, you can stop for a coffee, meet with friends, have a family breakfast, lunch or dinner, or just a slice of home-made cake in the play-cafe.



Latest News

  • under1roof opening The grand opening of Under1Roof! (3/10/2016) - We launched this exciting venture on Saturday 27th February after nearly 6 years and 3 buildings of planning! Our ethos for the centre is a creative community hub for kids aged 0-11and their parents...

Catch more of Under1Roof’s exclusive blog on Greenwichmums here…


Latest Offers



Next events

Here’s a glimpse of what’s coming up at Under1Roof over the next 4 weeks.



Location Map



Contact details

Web Address: www.under1roofkids.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/under1roofkids
Twitter: @under1roofkids
Email the Under1Roof team here!


Unit 9 IO Centre
Skeffington Street,
Royal Arsenal Riverside
SE18 6SR

Opening times

Centre Open 9am-5pm 7 days a week.
Sofy Play Open 10am – 4pm.

Hair salon and retail units have their own timings

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